Thursday, November 27, 2008

Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.

Kawah Putih lake (7.10° S 107.24° E) is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesiticstratovolcano (a "composite" volcano). Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. The lake itself is 2,430 meters above sea level so the local climate is often quite chilly (temperatures are frequently around 10 degrees celsius). Kawah Putih is a sizeable acid lake which changes colour from bluish to whitish green, or brown, depending on the concentration of sulfur and the temperature. The sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also washed into whitish colours by the vapours from the lake.

The surrounding area is heavily forested. There is a pathway down to the lake which is surrounded by the high walls of the crater nestling into the side of Mt Patuha. The smell of sulfur is strong because there is a good deal of steam and sulfurous gas bubbling from the lake. Animals and birds which may be spotted include eagles, owls, monkeys, mouse deer, and forest pigs. Panthers, leopards and pythons have also sometimes been seen in the nearby forest.

Access is gained from the left of the main road travelling south by entering the park and proceeding along a 5 km access road. The turnoff from the main road is hard to miss: there is a large signboard to the left of the main road and a prominent entry gate.
The main road is the busy road south from Bandung through the town of Soreang, the capital of the Bandung District, continuing down through the crowded Pasir Jambu township. Minibuses ply the route southwards from Bandung and, depending on traffic, can take up to two hours to reach the entrance to the Kawah Putih area. There are many thousands of small market-crop farmers in the fertile valley to the south of Bandung which leads up towards the Kawah Putih area. Local food-crops grown include a wide range of fruits and vegetables. A strawberry industry is well-established in the area and many strawberry farms have fruit for sale along the side of the highway.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Malam (2)

jika itu yang kau minta
akan kupetik bintang
sebagai tanda jawaban

dalam remang-remang
masih adakah cahaya tersisa
untuk membaca kembali
cerita diantara kita

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Catch The Moment

Oh... I wish My Name CALVIN!

What a Happy Family... Eat A Little More My Boy

Empat Jalan Melepas Penderitaan

Penderitaan muncul dari keinginan dan keinginan selalu mempunyai objek. Objek ini bisa segala sesuatu di alam rupa atau materi (tanah, air, angin, api); segala sesuatu di alam nafsu; segala sesuatu di alam surga tanpa wujud; segala sesuatu di alam tanpa wujud; segala sesuatu yang dilihat, yang didengar, yang dirasakan dengan indra, yang dikenali; segala paham keesaan, keanekaan, keseluruhan, pembebasan, kesatuan, pencerahan, kekosongan, keheningan, kesucian, keallahan, dst. Pendeknya, objek ini adalah segala sesuatu yang ada dalam kesadaran.

Melepas objek keinginan dan subjek yang berkeinginan akan membebaskan diri dari penderitaan. Maka ada empat jalan melepas penderitaan: melepas subjek tanpa melepas objek; melepas objek tanpa melepas subjek; melepas baik subjek maupun objek; melepas bukan subjek dan bukan objek.

Melepas Subjek dan Bukan Objek
Seorang ibu kehilangan ratusan juta rupiah di pasar saham. Ia tidak pernah mengalami kehilangan uang sebanyak itu dalam hidupnya. Ia bertanya kesalahan apa yang telah ia lakukan sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian tersebut.

Ia menderita pertama-tama bukan karena kehilangan uang ratusan juta rupiah, melainkan karena pikiran tentang kesalahan yang telah ia lakukan yang mungkin mengakibatkan kerugian tersebut. Pikirannya lebih banyak berperan sebagai penyebab penderitaan daripada hilangnya ratusan juta rupiah.

Ibu tersebut dipenjara oleh subjek. Bisa jadi ia memang melakukan kesalahan dalam membaca pergerakan uang di pasar saham; bisa jadi ia tidak melakukan kesalahan. Anjloknya pasar saham secara global merupakan realita objektif yang mengakibatkan kerugian di pihak ibu tersebut. Baik subjek maupun objek berperan dalam menciptakan kesedihan.

Orang seperti ibu tersebut bisa dibantu untuk melepas subjek dan bukan objeknya. Pikiran orang menentukan realita. Saat orang sedang sedih, ia melihat seluruh dunia tampak suram; saat orang bahagia, ia memandang seluruh dunia tampak indah mempesona.

Realita objek perlu ditekankan: adalah wajar ada pergerakan naik dan turun, saling pengaruh global dan lokal, hadiah dan hukuman. Pergerakan itu alamiah adanya seperti terbitnya matahari di pagi hari dan terbenamnya matahari di sore hari. Berharap matahari bersinar terus sepanjang hari merupakan harapan yang absurd.

Melepas Objek dan Bukan Subjek
Seorang pria setengah baya sedang dilanda krisis dalam hidup berumah tangga. Ia mudah jatuh hati pada seorang perempuan yang rupawan. Meskipun sudah mempunyai istri, ia masih memiliki wanita-wanita simpanan.
Pria tersebut didera oleh objek dalam wujud perempuan yang rupawan. Ia mengaku tidak tahan menahan gelora nafsu saat melihat perempuan yang rupawan. Ia bisa dibantu dengan melepas objek dan memberi penekanan pada peran subjek.

Perasaan akan objek tertentu merupakan manifestasi dari kesadaran. Segala sesuatu yang kita rasakan, yang kita sentuh, yang kita kenali, yang kita dengar bisa menguasai diri kita dan membuat kita menderita. Dengan melepas objek, kita kembali kepada kesadaran bahwa mereka semua bukan realita independent di luar diri kita. Subjek dan objek selalu saling terhubung dan saling berpengaruh.

Melepas Subjek dan Objek
Seorang bapak mengeluh karena setelah sekian tahun hidup berumah-tangga, ia tetap merasakan ada jarak antara dirinya dengan pasangan hidup dan anak-anaknya. Keluarga ini cukup mapan secara ekonomi. Tidak ada ketidakharmonisan hubungan antara suami-istri ataupun antara anak-anak dengan dirinya. Hubungan yang paling intim sekalipun masih tetap menyisakan jarak antara dirinya dengan yang lain. Ia meniti berbagai jalan kerohanian tapi ia merasa tetap sebagai orang asing yang terpisah dari orang lain, termasuk orang-orang yang ia cintai.

Orang seperti bapak tersebut bisa dibantu dengan melepas subjek dan objek sekaligus. Adanya subjek dan objek selalu menimbulkan jarak; adanya jarak selalu menciptakan ketegangan dan konflik.

Peganglah obor api di tangan kiri dan dekatkan tangan kanan anda ke ke obor api tersebut. Kalau terlalu dekat, tangan kanan anda bisa terbakar oleh obor api. Tangan anda bisa terbakar karena tangan anda bukanlah obor api. Kalau tangan kanan anda tidak akan terbakar meskipun dilekatkan dengan obor api kalau tangan kanan anda adalah juga obor api. Persoalan terjadi karena ada jarak antara tangan kanan anda dan obor api, antara subjek dan objek.

Ketika menyaksikan pergerakan gelombang besar dari lautan dan menghantam hampir seluruh kawasan pesisir Aceh pada Desember 2004, orang-orang berpikir bahwa hari Kiamat sudah tiba. Bumi akan segera runtuh. Dalam sekejap, mereka melihat kampung mereka dan kampung-kampung tetangga mereka habis disapu gelombang air. Mereka melihat tidak ada lagi kampung tersisa, baik kampung mereka maupun kampung tetangga. Kehidupan seolah terhenti dan segala hubungan terputus.

Terlepasnya entitas subjek dan objek serta pudarnya hubungan subjek dan objek adalah seperti hilangnya kampung-kampung karena disapu gelombang Tsunami dan pudarnya hubungan antar kampung. Terlepasnya subjek sekaligus objek secara permanen tentu tidak menguntungkan dalam gerak kehidupan sehari-hari seperti halnya hilangnya kampung-kampung dan terputusnya hubungan antar kampung. Namun moment terlepasnya subjek sekaligus membuka perspektif baru dalam melihat realita.

Melepas Bukan Subjek dan Bukan Objek
Pada sore hari pada hari pertama setelah Tsunami, orang-orang Aceh melihat dari kejauhan asap membubung dari antara pepohonan. Orang-orang melihat ternyata masih ada kehidupan di kampung tetangga. Mereka kemudian mencari jalan untuk berhubungan kembali dengan kampung tetangga yang sempat terputus.

Setelah subjek dan objek terlepas, orang kembali kepada realita kehidupan secara nyata, kembali ke alam dualitas subjek dan objek. Namun demikian ia bebas dari penjara subjek, bebas dari penjara objek, bebas dari penjara tiada subjek dan tiada objek, bebas dari penjara subjek sekaligus objek. Ia kembali berelasi dengan anak dan pasangan hidup, uang dan barang-barang, alam yang berwujud dan tak berwujud, dan seterusnya dengan perspektif yang baru.

Orang biasa yang tidak menjalani latihan-latihan rohani cenderung dipenjara oleh objek sementara pejalan rohani cenderung dipenjara oleh subjek. Lebih mudah melepas objek pikiran daripada pikiran itu sendiri. Lebih mudah melepas objek keinginan daripada keinginan itu sendiri. Orang takut melepas pikiran atau keinginannya karena pandangan bahwa dengan melepas pikiran hanya akan meninggalkan kehampaan; tidak akan ada sesuatu yang dirasakan, disentuh, didengar, dilihat, dicapai, diperoleh, dst. Terlepasnya pikiran dan objek pikiran bukan membawa kepada kehampaan, melainkan pada realita yang sesungguhnya: subjek dan objek saling terhubung, saling bergantung dan tidak berdiri sendiri secara absolut.*

*By J Sudrijanta SJ

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Has my life been meaningless?

This is The Most I Have Been Thinking Lately ... "What would my life amount to?"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Try Something New

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new."

— Brian Tracy: Motivational speaker and self-help author

Thursday, July 17, 2008

the best quotes from joker

Here is my opinion after watching The Dark Knight.

Without Ledger as the Joker, The Dark Knight would have been a boring film to watch. The rest of the cast was “so-so” in my opinion.The awesome performance by Heath Ledger. I saw an incredible performance by Ledger that saved the film. Anyway What’s really interesting me about this film are some of the best quotes is the fact that the Joker is completely insane, yet most of his comments make complete sense... Herewith some of the best Quotes as i can remember ....

1. The Joker: Wanna to know how I got these scars? My father was....a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. Turns to me and he says "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife,"Why so serious?" He sticks the blade in my mouth. "Lets put a smile on that face!" And..... Why so serious?

2. The Joker: You truly are incorruptible aren't you? You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness, and I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.

3. The Joker: Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.

4. The Joker: You have nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Menjaga jarak dari rutinitas


Saya = seorang Pembosan. Dan buat membunuh rasa yang menyiksa itu, Saya biasa melakukan apapun, buat menjaga perasaan saya agar tetap "sehat" & "waras". Biasanya Saya keluar, menjaga jarak dari rutinitas...

Monday, June 30, 2008

Reflection Over The Weekend

During this Weekend I get chatted and posted that really hang me out! Makes me think all over again about everything.

Does Words Really Can Hurt or Heal?

“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” <=== the right is words can kills! Think again!? When You said something about someone, are those words came down from inside. The way we speak to others is really important. How many times did I chant that at someone trying to say something hurtful to me when I was child? And I wanted it to be true, so I fought done the tears and the hurt and repeated again.

The problem was and is that words do hurt. It doesn’t matter what age you are, we all have weaknesses and when someone tries to use that while taunting and teasing, it does hurt. And words that hurt can be sneaky, they don’t just hurt at that moment, but they can stick around in a person’s subconscious and hurt later too.

Mean words hurt us as adults, but we have the experience and knowledge to push them aside and let them go. Children, on the other hand, do not. That is the true purpose of this article, to bring attention to the fact that as adults we need to be more vigilant in what we say to young children. And I do not mean that we, as adults, need to coddle our children. Just take care.

At a very young age, when a child hears “you are a bad boy” they learn that they are bad, or worthless – not worthy of love or praise. This is the beginning of low self-esteem. It encourages the belief that they are bad and cannot do anything good. Telling a child that what they did was bad is a better way to phrase “you are a bad boy”. They need to learn that the action was bad and it is possible to correct the action.

Some words teach children to fear adults rather than respect them. Children do need to learn that there are consequences to their actions. But not by hearing things like, “if you don’t stop, I am going to knock you in the head.” That encourages the belief that violence solves problems. It also makes fear of an adult, instead of love or respect of an adult, the learning tool that encourages their behavior.

The way we speak to children is the first lesson in how they should speak to others. This is another reason to watch what you say to children and others around children. Instead of teaching them phrases they shouldn’t say, teach them what they should say. We do this by example – by not saying things that we wouldn’t want our children saying. When they learn inappropriate language, they then need to unlearn the inappropriate language. Children have enough to struggle with growing up, let’s not throw more obstacles in their path by teaching them hurtful words.

Friday, June 27, 2008

What You Don't Know - Doesn't Mean it Doesn't Exist

If you can not see something that does not mean it does not exist. This is the common belief in which people deny the existence of angels, spirit guides, and other unseen helpers. If you have encountered such unseen helpers, you know that they exist, albeit you can not 'prove it.'

A good question to ask the doubting Thomas, "How do you know oxygen exists?" You can not see it or touch it. Yet, you can feel its presence in the wind. We believe the wind exists because we can feel it on our skin and hear it moving through the tree leaves or rushing past a moving object, such as a car. There are things all around and within us that we do not see, yet we know they are there and are as real as the sun, moon and stars.

What we believe and do not believe, see or do not see is merely the perception we consciously decide to accept/ believe. Remember the world was once believed to be flat. What happened to that belief?

Once upon a time a brave group of people set sail to discover the truth of the matter. It is told that the Native Americans could not see Columbus's ships anchored off shore, because they did not know what a ship looked like, therefore, the ships blended into the ocean waves and mist. It was only after the Natives met the 'pale faces' that they learned to distinguish the ships near-by.

Like the Native Americans, if we allow ourselves to see what we cannot see, because we are open and willing to see, anyone can tune into the invisible realms and begin to connect to the spirit world.

Humans began to disconnect from their spiritual awareness during the period in Mesopotamia before Noah built the arc. And we have continued to distrust what we can not see as a matter of conscious choice. If you have not connected with the spirit world, all you need to do is to resolve to open your mind to its existence, and let yourself know.

One easy exercise is to close your eyes in meditation and visualize yourself accepting any concept that enters into the conscious mind. You can then engage in allowing the unseen through in ways that were invisible to you before.

Whatever you choose, cultivating a relationship with the spirit world is awesome beyond words.

First Published at

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Cerita tentang Senja

Laut biru lepas, debur ombak memecah suasana, perahu ku sudah datang, siap menantang badai... aku biarkan kamu pergi
 Sambil bersenandung lirih, dia menggambar langit, senja kelam berwarna jingga dan seorang terlihat ditepian, menatap sepi, menantang matahari, menghabiskan hari-hari... menunggu kekasihnya kembali...

Saat Senja itu separuh tengelam, kau tebarkan senyum di cakrawala, seribu pesona terpancar menggantung, warnanya redup kemerah-merahan, ku tahu ada cinta disana
 Ku tunggu Kamu di tapal batas antara riuh resahnya rasa dan tengelamnya asa - Pelabuhan Senja

Mindful Eating

A mindful eater is nonjudgmental, compassionate and above all aware of the taste, texture and process of eating. Being mindful means knowing exactly how your body feels at all times. You are so closely in touch with what is going on inside that you know the exact moment you are satisfied rather than stuffed or starving by learning the why, what, when and how you eat. - Susan Albers

What is Mindful Eating?
Mindfulness, and more specifically mindful eating, isn't a new concept. In fact, it is centuries old and based on the Eastern concept of mindfulness or “pure awareness.” If you are eating mindfully, you are aware and attentive to all dimensions of eating. It includes mindfulness of the mind, body, thoughts and feelings.

Mindful Eating: is about being conscious of why you are eating. Are you hungry? Are you tired? Are you bored? There is no menu or recipes to follow. It's about learning HOW and WHY you eat, and less about WHAT you eat. When you are so closely in touch with what is going on inside, you know the exact moment you are satisfied rather than stuffed or starving. To understand the why, what, when and how we eat, we have to be compassionate and nonjudgmental. This allows us to take a closer look at our behavior.

Seven Habits of the Mindful Eater : Aware, Accepting, Nonjudgmental, Compassionate, In-the-Moment, Able to Let-it-Go, Observant

The Four Foundations of Eating Mindfully
MINDFULNESS of the MIND on a scale of 1-10, how aware am I at this moment? Am I tasting every bite or am I mindlessly chomping away? Observe the taste, texture, smell, and sound of food. This helps you to pay attention to what you are doing. Identify whether you are mindlessly snacking or in touch with every single bite.

MINDFULNESS of the BODY. Listen to your body. Do I pay attention when it says stop? Or, do I ignore my body's feedback. Identify how your body tells you it's hungry and full. Pay attention to hunger pains, a rumbling stomach, your energy level, movement, body posture and muscle tension. If you don't respond, your body could stop giving you important information about how it is doing. Learn to know the difference between emotional hunger (stress eating) and physical hunger.

MINDFULNESS of FEELINGS is noticing feelings that start and stop eating. Anxiety, guilt, stress, comfort, boredom and pleasure are just a few. It's important to get in touch with your emotions. If you don't get a handle on your feelings, Sometimes, coping with your feelings is more important that changing the type of foods you eat.

MINDFULNESS of THOUGHTS. Be mindful of your thoughts. Observe “should” and “should not” thoughts, critical thoughts (I'm so fat!), food rules, "good" and "bad" food categories. Notice how positive and negative thoughts sway your behavior. A thought is just a thought, you don't have to respond to it.
Susan Albers © 2004

Mindful Eating Acceptance Affirmations
* I accept that my eating and weight concerns are creating emotional distress, discomfort, and suffering in my life.
* I choose to accept my body and weight as they are at this moment. Committing to accept myself is a choice only I can make.

* I accept that my genetic inheritance strongly influences my body shape and weight.
* I accept how important it is for me to eat mindfully in order to live a healthy life.

* To accept my body and weight does not mean that I am judging them to be perfect
* Acceptance only comes from within myself. I don’t seek it from the outside.

* I accept that my worth is not reflected by my weight and shape, but, rather, my worth is determined by who I am as a whole person.
* Acceptance includes rejecting the cultural and social messages I receive about weight.

Try a classic eating mindful exercise:
Among many things, mindful eating includes feeling the saltiness of each potato chip on your fingers as you pick it up, and noting the taste of the salt when you put the chip on your tongue. It’s being aware of and listening to the loud crunch of each bite, and the noise the chewing makes in your head. As you eat the chips, you take note of the rough texture against your tongue, and the pressure of your teeth grinding together.

When you are watchful, you notice how your stomach expands and feels fuller. You experience each bite from start to finish by slowing down every aspect of the eating process to be fully aware of each movement, swallow, aroma and feeling derived from eating.

Form More Info about Mindful Eating just klik or

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Discover the Hidden Power of Positive Affirmations

Using positive affirmations can change your life for the better. In this article, we'll explore the reasons behind the life-changing power of affirmations, and some techniques to supercharge your affirmations, while shortening the length of time it takes to get them to begin producing results. When you've finished reading, you'll have a firm grasp on the importance of reprogramming your subconscious mind for success, and be able to to it efficiently.

Your conscious mind, the voice that you hear reading the words of this article, is like a gatekeeper. It operates on the beliefs that your unconscious mind is programmed with, and will only allow information that aligns with those beliefs. Repeatedly hammering the conscious mind with affirmations will effectively break down the barriers, and allow the new programming to be imbedded into the unconscious mind. The old-fashioned methods of repeating your affirmations endlessly over a long period of time worked, and worked well. But we live in an instant gratification, microwave society, and we expect results NOW!

Most people who haven't gotten results from repeating positive affirmations are simply not repeating them often enough, or for a long enough time to get past the conscious mind, the gatekeeper that says "say it all you want, it ain't true". These people are not failures, they simply tired of the same repetitive task. Everyone has a limit to the amount of times they can repeat a task before it bores them. What they need is a method of speeding up the process.

There are several methods to shorten the time between the first repetition of the positive affirmation, and the actual results. Anything you can do to quiet the critical conscious mind long enough to slip the affirmations past it is helpful. Many people use EFT, or the Emotional Freedom Techniques, with much success. Some people use a combination of techniques. Subliminal programming is by far the quickest, easiest, and least time consuming method.

With subliminal programming, your positive affirmations, or "Power Phrases" are flashed across a screen in nanosecond displays, so that your conscious mind can't detect them. However, your subconscious mind hears them loud and clear! Many people report results after the first few sessions with a subliminal program

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Stop Settling for Less, Start Changing Your Life

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pygmalion Effect

Pygmalion adalah seorang pemuda yang berbakat seni memahat. Ia sungguh piawai dalam memahat patung. Karya ukiran tangannya sungguh bagus.Tetapi bukan kecakapannya itu menjadikan ia dikenal dan disenangi teman dan tetangganya. Pygmalion dikenal sebagai orang yang suka berpikiran positif. Ia memandang segala sesuatu dari sudut yang baik.

Apabila lapangan di tengah kota becek, orang-orang mengomel. Tetapi Pygmalion berkata, "Untunglah, lapangan yang lain tidak sebecek ini."
Ketika ada seorang pembeli patung ngotot menawar-nawar harga, kawan-kawan Pygmalion berbisik, "Kikir betul orang itu." Tetapi Pygmalion berkata, "Mungkin orang itu perlu mengeluarkan uang untuk urusan lain yang lebih perlu".
Ketika anak-anak mencuri apel dikebunnya, Pygmalion tidak mengumpat. Ia malah merasa iba, "Kasihan, anak-anak itu kurang mendapat pendidikan dan makanan yang cukup di rumahnya."

Itulah pola pandang Pygmalion. Ia tidak melihat suatu keadaan dari segi buruk, melainkan justru dari segi baik. Ia tidak pernah berpikir buruk tentang orang lain; sebaliknya, ia mencoba membayangkan hal-hal baik dibalik perbuatan buruk orang lain.

Pada suatu hari Pygmalion mengukir sebuah patung wanita dari kayu yang sangat halus. Patung itu berukuran manusia sungguhan. Ketika sudah rampung, patung itu tampak seperti manusia betul. Wajah patung itu tersenyum manis menawan, tubuhnya elok menarik.

Kawan-kawan Pygmalion berkata, "Ah,sebagus-bagusnya patung, itu cuma patung, bukan isterimu."

Tetapi Pygmalion memperlakukan patung itu sebagai manusia betul. Berkali-kali patung itu ditatapnya dan dielusnya.

Para dewa yang ada di Gunung Olympus memperhatikan dan menghargai sikap Pygmalion, lalu mereka memutuskan untuk memberi anugerah kepada Pygmalion, yaitu mengubah patung itu menjadi manusia betul. Begitulah, Pygmalion hidup berbahagia dengan isterinya itu yang konon adalah wanita tercantik di seluruh negeri Yunani.
Nama Pygmalion dikenang hingga kini untuk mengambarkan dampak pola berpikir yang positif. Kalau kita berpikir positif tentang suatu keadaan atau seseorang, seringkali hasilnya betul-betul menjadi positif.

Jika kita bersikap ramah terhadap seseorang, maka orang itupun akan menjadi ramah terhadap kita.
Jika kita memperlakukan anak kita sebagai anak yang cerdas, akhirnya dia betul-betul menjadi cerdas.
Jika kita yakin bahwa upaya kita akan berhasil, besar sekali kemungkinan upaya dapat merupakan separuh keberhasilan.

Dampak pola berpikir positif itu disebut dampak Pygmalion.

Pikiran kita memang seringkali mempunyai dampak fulfilling prophecy atau ramalan tergenapi, baik positif maupun negatif.
Kalau kita menganggap tetangga kita judes sehingga kita tidak mau bergaul dengan dia, maka akhirnya dia betul-betul menjadi judes.

Kalau kita mencurigai dan menganggap anak kita tidak jujur, akhirnya ia betul-betul menjadi tidak jujur.
Kalau kita sudah putus asa dan merasa tidak sanggup pada awal suatu usaha, besar sekali kemungkinannya kita betul-betul akan gagal.

Pola pikir Pygmalion adalah berpikir, menduga dan berharap hanya yang baik tentang suatu keadaan atau seseorang. Bayangkan, bagaimana besar dampaknya bila kita berpola pikir positif seperti itu. Kita tidak akan berprasangka buruk tentang orang lain.
Kita tidak menggunjingkan desas-desus yang jelek tentang orang lain. Kita tidak menduga-duga yang jahat tentang orang lain.
Kalau kita berpikir buruk tentang orang lain, selalu ada saja bahan untuk menduga hal-hal yang buruk. Jika ada seorang kawan memberi hadiah kepada kita, jelas itu adalah perbuatan baik. Tetapi jika kita berpikir buruk,kita akan menjadi curiga, "Barangkali ia sedang mencoba membujuk," atau kita mengomel, "Ah, hadiahnya cuma barang murah." Yang rugi dari pola pikir seperti itu adalah diri kita sendiri.Kita menjadi mudah curiga. Kita menjadi tidak bahagia.

Sebaliknya, kalau kita berpikir positif, kita akan menikmati hadiah itu dengan rasa gembira dan syukur, "Ia begitu murah hati. Walaupun ia sibuk, ia ingat untuk memberi kepada kita." Warna hidup memang tergantung dari warna kaca mata yang kita pakai.

Kalau kita memakai kaca mata kelabu, segala sesuatu akan tampak kelabu. Hidup menjadi kelabu dan suram. Tetapi kalau kita memakai kaca mata yang terang, segala sesuatu akan tampak cerah. Kaca mata yang berprasangka atau benci akan menjadikan hidup kita penuh rasa curiga dan dendam. Tetapi kaca mata yang damai akan menjadikan hidup kita damai.

Hidup akan menjadi baik kalau kita memandangnya dari segi yang baik. Berpikir baik tentang diri sendiri. Berpikir baik tentang orang lain. Berpikir baik tentang keadaan. Berpikir baik tentang Tuhan.

Dampak berpikir baik seperti itu akan kita rasakan. Keluarga menjadi hangat. Kawan menjadi bisa dipercaya. Tetangga menjadi akrab. Pekerjaan menjadi menyenangkan. Dunia menjadi ramah. Hidup menjadi indah. Seperti Pygmalion, begitulah.
MAKE SURE YOU ARE PYGMALION and the world will be filled with positive people nice!!!!

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